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The autumn leaves have dropped

summer a thing of the past

The holidays are in full swing

and Christmas is in view at last


The excitement builds in children

who begin to formulate their lists

Anticipation grabs hold of their hearts

and childlike eagerness persists


Stores become more alive

as they try to draw the attention

of the customers that they need

Debt incurred they’ll never mention


Houses are trimmed inside and out

with lights and wreaths and bells

Things are baked, frosted, and shared

nobody is immune to the fragrant smells


Gifts often commandeer center stage

both those received and given

The search begins for the perfect gift

transforming timid souls into the driven


But amidst all the rush, the plans, and fuss

where is the Christ child found

He’s mentioned only as an afterthought

Where are those who would have Him crowned


The focus of heaven was placed on Him

and on His essential role of redemption 

But the one who strives against all good

much prefers the process of preemption


For once the season comes to an end

and all the wrappings are thrown away

the one thing about Christmas that truly lasts

is that babe lying in a manger of hay


He was ignored by most while mortal

and ignored again in our day

But that babe is the Son of God

a fact that will never go away


So why do we persist in placing

the focus where it ought not to be

Why do we relegate Him to a lesser place

rather than with honor and majesty


If we are only able to fit Him in

after Santa, the tree, and the gifts

the joys of Christmas will just come and go

and never be something that lifts


But when He takes center stage

and overshadows all the rest

The joys of Christmas will forever last

and we’ll be forever blessed