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While serving in the Riverton Region Addiction Recovery Program for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, my wife and I had occasion to witness some marvelous things.  Sometimes we witnessed things we considered miraculous.  One such experience occurred on a cold December night.  We were scheduled to conduct a meeting that began at 7:30 pm.  We arrived at 7:00 to set up the room, turn on the heat, have a prayer and be ready to greet those who came.  This particular meeting was held in a church meetinghouse.  For many such meetinghouses in the Church, some of the outer doors were unlocked using a remote key Fob.  As I put the Fob to the receiver, the expected green light did not appear.  The light remained red and the doors remained locked.  I tried several times with the same result.  I began walking around the entire building, looking for other doors that might allow us entrance but all were locked, including those that required a Fob.  Thinking our Fob was the problem, I called four people that I knew who would either have a Fob or know someone who did.  Two did not respond to my call and the other two were out of town and unavailable to help.  While we stood in the parking lot discussing our options, participants began to arrive for the meeting.  As more cars lined up in the parking lot we spoke to each, informing them of the situation and that we still held out hope that the meeting could be held.  As we stood in the cold we noticed two men walking toward the church.  Upon arriving they asked what was happening.  It was a father with his adult son coming to attend the 12 Step meeting.  We explained our situation and they proposed a novel solution.  The man indicated that he lived just a few houses up the street and we would be welcome to hold the meeting in his house.  Family Services policy prevents holding ARP meetings in private locations if Church-owned locations are available.  In our opinion, the meeting could not be held that night because a meetinghouse was not available.  We gladly accepted and shared that information with all those waiting in the warmth of their vehicles.  Most were willing to accept the impromptu invitation.  Can you imagine his wife’s reaction when over a dozen people began filing unexpectedly through their front door?  I cannot speak for her inner reaction, but outwardly her reaction was one of grace and warm welcome.  We couldn’t help but notice that she wore a bandana on her head.  In the course of subsequent conversation we learned that she had cancer and was receiving chemotherapy, which in her case had caused hair loss.  We also learned that they were taking advantage of a break in her treatments to get out of town for a few days and their plan was to leave the next morning.  Our meeting interfered with their efforts to prepare for that trip, but they were so gracious and kind we were never made to feel like we were imposing.  We all sat in sort of a circular fashion in their family room and connecting kitchen.  As the sharing portion of the meeting began and because it was my turn to conclude the meeting with a few thoughts and testimony, I began to ponder on what the Lord would like me to say.  Quickly came the impression to leave a blessing upon that home, upon that family, and also upon all those attending.  It was a strong impression even though it wasn’t something we would normally do, or even something allowed by Family Services guidelines.  But in my mind and heart there was no question it was what the Lord wanted done.  So when it came to my turn, I stood and pronounced a blessing upon all of them, including the family members who hadn’t joined the meeting.  The Spirit was palpable to all.  One younger participant laid his head on his arms while sitting at the kitchen table all evening. He never looked up or said anything, but when that blessing began his head shot up and he was riveted to every word.  But he wasn’t the only one who felt its power.  Everyone did.  But perhaps the sweetest part of all was the promises extended to that family, the mother of whom was fighting for her life.  Those promises were full of hope and love, and even appreciation for their willingness to open their home in such circumstances.  After the meeting concluded, several people came forward in tears to declare how impactful and important that blessing was to them.  I knew in my heart that the Lord’s will had been expressed upon all of us, beginning with the locked doors at the church.  Had that not happened, we never would have met in that home.  We never would have been aware of their circumstances and certainly NEVER would that blessing have been given under normal conditions.  I am continually amazed at how much Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love each of us, at how involved they are in our lives and how willing they are to bless and sustain us through all our troubles.  This particular evening etched even deeper into my soul that precious knowledge.  However, the evening wasn’t quite finished.  I felt impressed to stop at the church on our way home.  The key Fob opened the door.