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On that holy night

A long awaited babe was born

Angels appeared to shepherds

To whom His divinity was sworn



Wise men were drawn from afar

Acting only upon prophetic vision

But guided by a wondrous star

They set aside both doubt and derision



Both shepherds and men of wisdom

Were drawn to the newborn child

Bringing wonder and precious gifts

Hoping through Him to be reconciled



I was not there that night

To see the angels or the star

I didn’t hold that holy babe

Or travel with gifts from afar



I didn’t feel the prints in His hands

Or see Him heal the blind

But I believe He was the Messiah

The Savior of all mankind



How do I know, you may ask

How can I be certain I’m right

Why do I believe in Him

When so many others deny His light



I have felt His love for me

As unmistakable as the shining sun

And the Spirit has spoken to my soul

Proclaiming to me He is the Holy One



He has often rescued me

Has offered me tender relief

Has soothed my faulty feelings

And assuaged my bitter grief



I’ve recognized His steady hand

Leading me in the path of right

Even when I wasn’t worthy of Him

Even when I was mired in my plight



He has always been there for me

A constant and faithful friend

But still the mighty Messiah

The only One God could send



Like the woman at the well

I’ve learned to draw water from above

He offers me that well of living water

Through the power of His love



I cannot deny Him

I dare not, for He lives

Of Him I am a witness

Of the gift He freely gives



My life was a mangled morass

Until His sacred gift seeped into me

I am no longer who I was

For the Christ has set me free



Though different than I once was

I am hardly what I hope to be

I sense there is still more that awaits

When I more fully embrace all He offers me



So for me, my faith is sufficient

No need to see or hear or feel

My precious experience with Him

Leads me to willingly kneel