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Incessantly they come

without regard for feelings unshod

endlessly one after another

the swift with those who plod



Hundreds form the swarm

that mingle and mix and blend

but for us their only goal

is to see how far we’ll bend



Come fall they descend

no hibernating here

all winter long they feed and gnaw

and distill within us fear



The summer sun arrives once more

glory be, they are gone

for a few brief weeks all is peace

but we’ll once again despise the dawn



To be punished without reprieve

to constantly endure

one would think rewards would lurk

but of such a fact we are clearly unsure



The enemy creeps ever so close

our eyes strain to find

an ally our futile hopes create

but alas, we’re alone to resume the grind 



So down we go

 we no longer have the will to resist

no one inspires us to fight on

we slip into the mist



Some go quickly

others not so brief

but make no mistake

there is no permanent relief



As the hordes amass for the final thrust

the hopelessness mounts in our hearts

what a ray of care could have done for us

what joy concern imparts



But we were left to ourselves

the fight is in our hands

why then did they take our swords

and leave us with the same demands?



The sting of steel, enemy steel

cuts deep into our psychological flesh

but surprisingly we abide the day

and begin the next day afresh



Weaponless again we face the foe

their eyes a mirror of our fears

we wish to win but all is vain

we’ll soon belong to the vale of tears



I wrote this from the perspective of a young teacher while in the early throes of teaching at a Junior High.

It is only partially tongue in cheek.