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Oh, morning light,

Who steals so softly in,

Who breaks the bonds of darkness,

And gives to all, their sight.


Oh, how like the Spirit you are,

Who comes like a gentle breeze.

To shed its light on all who seek,

And give them hope of heaven afar.


Oh, child of the light, what path do you trod,

Now that you’ve entered the gate?

Do you walk in the way of spiritual gifts?

Do you cling to the iron rod?


Oh, ‘tis a gracious, glorious, and eternal being,

Who, with enduring patience heeds our pleas.

As only an eternal Father can.

Prompting our hearts to praise and sing.


Oh, have you sought with faith He requires?

Have you loved and obeyed Him as you ought?

Do you know which heavenly gifts are yours?

Do you know what He desires?


Do you recognize His holy voice?

When it reaches into your heart?

Do you attune your heart to His?

Whenever you have a choice?


To all His children the call is the same.

Come unto Him and be washed clean.

Embrace His holy ways.

And forever praise His Holy name.