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An ode to all those faithful souls,

who are at the school’s heart.

Who interact with patrons both within and without

and to all their needs impart.



Your service is rendered daily

but so often goes without heed.

But if your duties were ignored

the school could not succeed.



The office staff must be true to form

regardless of critical voice.

For when the public’s ire is roused

a secretary is the target of choice.



And just let poor planning 

raise its ugly head.

If satisfaction isn’t granted

it’s the staff’s fault instead.



So if discouragement should ever set in

and plague the joys of your day.

Just remember that all is well

your reward is extraordinary pay.


I wrote this specifically for the secretaries at my school on Secretary’s Day.  I had additional perspective into their world because my wife, Jo, was a school secretary for 25 years.