Oh, the pain of personal sin
It blinds the eye and stiffens the knee
As it pulls me in
For so long I walked in the light
Where did I stumble
Where did I stray from the right
The light that warmed me
The light that warned me
That light I yearn to see
I sink away
The path becomes more obscure
My will not Thine, bears sway
So where does it lead
Oh, where will it end
What is it I really need
Along my stumbling fall
A hand reaches out to me
I hear a voice though distant
It is His call
My tears run free
I know that voice
He’s coming to rescue me
I look both ways
The choice is mine, and must be made
To point the way for all my days
My heart calls out
My Spirit yields
I know again what life is about
The path seems hard to trod
But I tear from Satan’s grasp
And move away from him
And walk resolutely toward my God
One of my earliest poems which I found in one of my journals.