I could have been a sheepherder
Or manned some lonely post
I could have spent my time alone
As if I were a ghost
I could have plastered countless walls
Troweling and floating alone
Mixing batch after batch
Until that number became unknown
But of all the ways to spend my time
Of all the ways to toil
Buried somewhere deep in my heart
Was a desire to till the soil
Alone in some enormous field
Plowing endless rows
Being alone with only my thoughts
My heart no one else knows
Talking to the sheep
Or even to a wall
Kept me from hurting others
And relationships to maul
And maul them I did
Getting along was never my forte
Not a single one immune from me
So few enjoyed my support
So as my life ebbs away
As my days are numbered less
I don’t have much to show for my life
So little good to assess
The sheep or trowels or plows I knew
Fared so much better in my life
Than did the people with whom I walked
Who got from me naught but strife
As the skies grow dark
And winter hastens its approach
I cannot escape the damage I’ve done
I cannot elude reproach
So for me it’s back to the fields
To plow or shepherd the sheep
To find solace in my solitude
Before I close my eyes in sleep