Updated August 19 2024



Looking backward from the vantage point of over seven decades, I feel incredibly blessed. My life has been full of the usual mortal suspects; joy, pain, happiness, sorrow, achievement, failure, fulfillment, disappointment. Each has added something to the fabric of my life and, in retrospect, I’m grateful for it all.  Admittedly, parts of the process have been more demanding and far less enjoyable than others, but all of it has played a role in my development, and for that I am grateful. However, the single most impactful influence in my life is my belief in and relationship with my Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.  It has been Their sacred influence that has ultimately shaped my priorities and ministered Grace to me.  It has been my love for them that has created within me a desire to align my life with the life of Christ as one of His disciples.  In every aspect of my growth and development, I have experienced their love and devotion to my potential and happiness.  But I recognize that my feeble efforts to be a devoted disciple only enhances my need for the divine help the Savior’s atoning sacrifice offers me.  I am not the man I once was, but I am certainly not the man I hope to be, given the enabling grace of God.  I created this website to share with my family, friends, and others some of the most memorable, influential, poignant, and significant experiences and influences in my life. I have expressed this in a variety of ways. Perhaps you may find value in some of these expressions.If so, please feel free to use or share content you find here using a legitimate medium.


The responsibility for the thoughts, ideas, or interpretations found in the content of this website is solely and completely mine and does not necessarily represent the ideas, beliefs, or doctrines of any other person, group, or official organization.


After a lengthy yet futile attempt to construct this website by myself, my wife would like to express her deep, heartfelt gratitude to Spencer Campbell, whose technical expertise and willingness combined to create this website for me. His involvement has restored her hope that life may again be absent my cussing, table slapping, and those guttural cries of utter frustration, known only to the most incompetent, that so frequently occurred during my own unaided efforts to build this website. Her gratitude for Spencer is only exceeded by my own. I would never have succeeded in creating this website if not for the faith and prayers offered in my behalf by my wife, JoAnn, when I had given up any hope of success. Her prayers rescued me. Even more so, I must credit Heaven’s help through this entire process. Encouragement came when needed most and spurred me onward despite several near fatal bouts of failure. Inspiration helped me learn skills I believed were beyond me. I could never have accomplished this long-time dream without both mortal and loving, heavenly help.